And the winner is...

Today we are happy to announce the winner of the flavor profile voting is BIRTHDAY CAKE! Thank you so much to everyone who voted!!! The next step for this crowd sourced line is to have Chris, our resident Banzai flavor creator, whip up some tasty versions of Birthday Cake. What types of birthday cake will he make? Well, if you voted on the last poll we asked for your suggestions! Below is a word cloud of the various suggestions we received, to help Chris get an idea of what flavors to make.

The next step in this process is to find out who wants to join a focus group we're putting together. This group will be a select few of you, Tia's fans! Those of you who're selected will receive various versions of flavors to test out and help us craft the best e-liquid out there! If you want to volunteer for this focus group, just fill out the box below. We will randomly pick people over the next few weeks, so make sure you fill out the information accurately! (If you are selected you will receive an email from Banzai Vapors)
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