Not only does this taste better than any flavor in the history of vape ejuice, but it's made of superior quality and smells like cotton candy!? My husband & I call it LIQUID GOLD. It's the perfect blend of sweet, smooth tobacco... Subtle vanilla and caramel and tobacco. I've seriously tried hundreds and hundreds of ejuice flavors from tons of different stores online and in person. I've tried just about every RY4 flavor and even some cigar flavors. This is THE BEST out there. It's the only RY4 out there that doesn't taste artificial. It doesn't taste like fake caramel (which I can't stand) like most RY4 flavors. I get constant compliments that I smell like cotton candy or vanilla ice cream. I tell them that's just the smell of my sweat ๐. I buy in bulk because it's irreplaceable. Been with this company since they were Banzai. Love you guys!!! Thanks for making amazing quality e-juices!
Please keep this flavor FOREVER.