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WARNING: This Product Contains Nicotine. Nicotine Is An Addictive Chemical.
FDA Responds To Vapor Lawsuits - US Vape Co

FDA Responds To Vapor Lawsuits


Earlier this year the FDA released the final deeming regs which is already starting to cripple the vaping industry. Even though most of the new regulations won't take full effect for two years, vape shop owners and manufacturers everywhere are closing their doors to avoid jumping through all the hoops and paying the outrageous fees to stay in the market. 

It didn't take long for a few lawsuits to be filed against the FDA. At one point there were over nine groups with lawsuits filed. Several of the lawsuits were recently ordered to be consolidated by a federal judge. Nicopure labs and The Right to be Smoke-Free Coalition are now fighting together under one umbrella and this is the FDA's 101 page response to the case.

If you don't have the time to read through this short novel here's how it reads:

  • They claim that e-liquid has dangerous compounds in it
  • Mods are exploding in people's faces
  • Nicotine is the most addicted substance known to man
  • The FDA has a lot of money to throw at lawsuits
  • The FDA can be extremely smug when it comes to dealing with the vaping industry

To those of us who have read (and lived) through all the vaping success stories, this response comes off as more of a fear mongering tactic and misinformation campaign for the general public to consume. There isn't really a whole lot of fact based information to justify such a harsh plan to wipe out an entire industry.

If this case does see the light of day in court, it's going to be an uphill battle for us just clearing up all the unjust claims that the FDA has made to the public. What are your thoughts on the FDA's response? Shoot us a comment below and let your voice be heard! 

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Sylvia Ballard - August 18, 2016

I stoped smoking Oct21,2013 and started vaping, it turned my unhealthy life into a extremely healthy life since vaping I just wish someone had if told me sooner, nicotine is not addictive Hello FDA why dont ya youtube whats in our e juice, the big tobacco companies are killing people with all the harmful junk they mix with tobacco, I dnt worry about thar with my e juice, and as far as batteties exploding thats not true, wake up vapers have not killed anyone nor put iut second hand smoke Y u ask simple we dnt smome WE VAPE, KEEP VAPE ALIVE..

Jamie - August 18, 2016

Going off Paige’s comment, mods blow up due to capers not knowing the mechanics of batteries and certain mods without safety features. My first time walking into a vape shop after the new FDA regulations was yesterday. Guy came in asking for help with his mod and the shop COULD NOT HELP HIM! He wasn’t very experienced in vaping, but it helped him quit cigs. What a stupid set of regulations!

Andrea Cover - August 18, 2016

I have been vaping now for about a year, completely smoke free for 10 months. It has greatly improved my breathing, I get sick less often, and enjoy the flavors and hobby it has become for my boyfriend and I. Vapor products save lives. The FDA is trying to scare us because they are being bought by the tobacco industry. It won’t work because we know what’s going on!

Paige - August 18, 2016

It alot better then smoking a darn cigs that has over 3000 chemical in it ! The blowing up in people’s faces is bez people that don’t know commen since how to use a vape mod!

Tara Bates - August 18, 2016

I smoked cigs for 20 years, the switch to being tobacco free wasn’t easy but I did it ONLY with the help of vaping! I tried everything else and vaping is the only method that helped!

alex karas - August 18, 2016

i smoked for 52 yrs i try to stop with the help of patches and gum it didn’t work . what did work is vaping i been smoke free going on 11 months now and that is with out nicotine

Mark Carter - August 18, 2016

The judges and any jurors should be made to watch the film “A Billion Lives” as evidence. Case closed.

Pete Maltese - August 18, 2016

Tobacco products cause cancer according to the surgeon general. .
Cancer in most cases causes death and definitely creates the need for big pharma to pedal their poison. . Both industries create millions if not billions in profit which they throw around big government. . So stop your bullshit FDA.. another government organization in the pocket of the pharmaceutical and tobacco industries. .DISGUSTING!!!!

Dave Sanders - August 18, 2016

I smoked for 35 years. Picked up my first mod on February 12th of this year and have not had 1 cig since! Currently I use 0 nicotine vape juice and would know the difference. Never felt better in my life! Why outlaw the one true way to give up the cig with very limited side effects? Has to be about the money big tobacco companies are losing and the FDA is in their pocket!

Annie L. - August 18, 2016

Vaping is a life savor. It has helped my boyfriend and I quit smoking. My boyfriend is down to 0 nicotine and I am down to 3mg nicotine and plan to get to zero. It has also greatly imporved our breathing. One other thing we have noticed is that we dont get sick as much compared to when we were smoking. Vaping saved our lives.

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